You'll find all the information you need for each club
Foundation Club
Current administration committee:
President: Bader Erzouqi
Vice President: Abdulwahab Alsaqer
Secretary: Mariam Mohammed
Treasurer: Fatmah Hussain
Head of PR: Mohammed AlDeai
PR Vice: Hamad Alkhudhari
Head of Media: Asmaa AlFailchawe
Head of Events Coordination: Reem AlHazeem
Who are we?
We are the Foundation Club, we’ve been created to ease up the integration from high school to university for students. We also seek to easing up every step for the freshman who inters our university. Also, we will teach all foundation students the fundamentals to be university student.
The aim of Foundation Club ?
The aim of the Foundation Club is to let the foundation’s students prepared for university’s life.
Our activities and events:
Our activities and events are mostly concentrate on the foundation program unit which is concentrate mostly on English and Math, but also to get the students out of the university routine.
How can you register and join the Foundation Club Family ?
You can simply email us + Once we send the registration link you can join us and we are going to do the interview with you.
Social Media:
FClubGust : Twitter - Instagram - Snapchat
The Anime Club
Current administration committee:
President: Mohammad Al-Harbi
Vice President: Fajer BouShehri
Vice President: Hashem Al-Hunaiyyan
Secretary: Razan Al-Wazzan
What is the Anime club?
This club main theme and attraction is the Japanese Animation and culture and all different colors of entertainment such as movies, TV shows and Games!
What is the aim of the Anime club?
Our aim is to present a unique color of entertainment to the students and people and make them spend an enjoyable time with us, Also representing many cultures especially the Japanese culture
Important annual events and activities of this club?
Every semester we add a new activity with new themes
1-Halloween event
2- Gaming diwaniya
3- Contests and raffles
4- Comic con trip (Dubai)
5- Booth and exhibition participations
6- Anime club week event
How can students register and join the Anime Club?
Every first week of the semesters, we open our online registrations where students can send their names and IDs through our Email.. Also, we will have a location at our university where you can find us and register and we will interview the students afterwards.
Our Social media:
Twitter: AnimeClub_Gust
Instagram: gustanimeclub
Snapchat: animeclub.gust
The Management Club
Current administration committee:
President: Yousef AlSalem
Vice President: Mohammad AlAwadhi
Secretary: Manar AlObaidi
Treasurer: Abdulatif AlSeleem
Head of Media: Fatma AlAnsari
Head of PR: Bibi AlMowed
Head of Planning: Razan AbdulKareem
More info soon.
Our Social media:
Twitter: MGMTClubGUST
Instagram: MGMTClubGUST
Snapchat: mgmtclub
Human Development Club
Current administration committee:
President: Fawaz Al Omairi
Vice President: Lateefah Abughaith
Secretary: Abdulrahman Al Maaili
Treasurer: Khaled Naouchi
Head of PR: Abdullah Al Mneefy
Head of Follow-up: Yousef Al Owaisi
Head of Events: Barak Al Mubarak
Head of Media:Zainab Al Bloushi
Our Social media:
Twitter: @GUST_HD
Instagram: @GUST_HD
Snapchat: @GUST_HD