MIS 345 – Database Management System – Book solution
نوت مادة MIS 345 – Database Management System – Book solution Thanks to the student who offered us the materials.
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نوت مادة MIS 345 – Database Management System – Book solution Thanks to the student who offered us the materials.
نوتات ومراجعات وملخصات مادة PHIL 143 – Approaches to Ethics – Notes Thanks to @Dnyaaalfxo_ and @mrmrica66 for offering us the materials.
نوت مادة PHIL 185 – Philosophy of Religions – Notes Thanks to Wadha and another student for the notes.
اختبارات سابقة ومراجعات وملخصات مادة MGMT 331 – Project Management – Exams Reviews and Summaries Thanks to Maryam AlEssa for offering us the materials.
اختبارات سابقة ومراجعات وملخصات مادة ACCT 201 – Fundamentals of Financial Accounting Thanks to @HumoudAlwazzan for offering us the materials. Thanks to @anwarrrrii for providing us with her clear hand-written notes.
اختبارات سابقة ومراجعات وملخصات مادة MATH 121 – Basic Probability & Statistics Thanks to @HumoudAlwazzan and Elaf for offering us the materials. And others who helped.
اختبارات سابقة ومراجعات وملخصات مادة Math 111 – College Algebra – Previous exams and Reviews Thanks to the students who helped us and you with the files.
اختبارات سابقة ومراجعات وملخصات مادة MRKT 201 – Basic Marketing Thanks to the students who helped us and you with the files.
التست بانك مرفق بملف مضغوط .zip اذا كان جهازك ايفون او ايباد, حمّل برنامج iZip If you have an iPhone or iPad, please download iZip app to decompress the files.لفك الضغط عن الملف https://itunes.apple.com/en/app/izip-zip-unzip-unrar-tool/id413971331?mt=8 Test bank is in a .zip file. Thanks to the student who provided us with the testbank!
Starting from FALL 2017-2018 semester, Males will be able to apply to English Education and English Linguistics/Translation programs. Current male students can also change their major if they wish to do so. For any male student who would like to discuss the programs, you can contact Dr. Cathy, head of English Dept. by email: Daniel.C@gust.edu.kw or…