Math 095 + 096 Foundation Reviews and Final Reviews
مراجعات لمواد تمهيدي الرياضياتMath 095 + Math 096 Foundation Reviews + Final Reviewsبصيغة PDF Thanks to Ahmad Haji (@AhmadHaji_a) who helped us and you with the files and explanation.
مراجعات لمواد تمهيدي الرياضياتMath 095 + Math 096 Foundation Reviews + Final Reviewsبصيغة PDF Thanks to Ahmad Haji (@AhmadHaji_a) who helped us and you with the files and explanation.
This map will help you know more about important places in GUST This map will be updated if needed.
Detailsاختبارات سابقة مادة MGMT 201 – Introduction to Management بصيغة PDF + DOCX Thanks to @rawanamas and thanks to the students who helped us and you with the files.
Detailsأوراق مراجعة واختبارات سابقة لمادةArab 103بصيغة PDF Thanks to @FSuwaidanii for providing us the quizzes and exams!
اختبارات سابقة لمادة ECON 101 – Principles of Microeconomics وحالياً متوفر فقط المدتيرم الأول والثاني بصيغة PDF، كل الشكر لأخونا @FaroughAl على توفيرهم لنا. Attachments MyGUST_MicroEconomics2ndMidterm (12 MB)MyGUST_MicroEconomics1stMidterm (14 MB)
DetailsWe decided to publish the emails for everyone to read. First email was from Dr. Frederick Wallace, the second email is from GUST’s president Prof. Donald Bates as a reply to Dr. Frederick’s email, and the third emails is from the Student Association of GUST, as a reply to Prof. Donald Bates. Dr. Frederick Wallace’s…
Detailsأوراق مراجعة لمادة بيسك كالكلس ان شاء الله تفيدكمالملف مضغوط بصيغة.zip اذا كان جهازك ايفون او ايباد, حمّل برنامج iZip If you have an iPhone or iPad, please download iZip app to decompress the files. لفك الضغط عن الملف Thanks to all students who helped us share these files with you. thanks to @_NR08 for sharing what…
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